Thanks for your prayers and support

04 Jul

Recently, I have been battling late night attacks of pain and vomiting.  It started at Christmas.  At first it was infrequent, but has recently become more common.  Through a number of doctor visits and one ER visit, it was determined that I had a bad gallbladder.  So I was scheduled to have it removed July 6.

Well, this past Saturday, I had to go to the ER again and this time the pain would not subside.  It was determined that I had pancreatitus I was on the verge of pancreatitus (foggy memory due to powerful drugs), and as soon as they could get my enzyme levels moderated I would have the surgery.  So I had my first surgery this past Monday.

It is now Satuday and I am feeling much better.

I want to send out some thanks…first to Jesus for sustaining me and giving me more days to live. 

Second, I would like to thank my wife and family.  Naomi was there with me when I needed her.  My mom and dad, who providentially were visiting this past weekend, took care of the kids for us.  My sister came up from Chattanooga and kept the kids for two days.  Thank you. 

Third, thank you church and other friends.  I thank each one of you for prayers and support.  Thank you especially those who stepped up big time Sunday morning and evening to ensure that God was glorified in our services  (Satan always seems to lay up preachers late Saturday night and never on Monday mornings).

Fourth, thank you Middle Tennesee Medical Hospital. I thank each one of you from the ER admittance personel who got me back quickly and to the ER nurses and doctor who attended me (thank you dilaudid).  I thank each one of the techs, nurses, and doctors who cared for me during hospital stay.  Your care was excellent.

Aside: I’ll continue the SBC posts shortly.

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Posted by on July 4, 2009 in Uncategorized


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